Nghĩa của từ orientalist|orientalists bằng Tiếng Anh


[o·ri·en·tal·ist || ‚ɔːrɪ'entəlɪst]

one who studies Asia or the Far East

Đặt câu với từ "orientalist|orientalists"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "orientalist|orientalists", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ orientalist|orientalists, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ orientalist|orientalists trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. He was a noted painter in the Orientalist genre.

2. Great, this proofs that you are an Orientalist and racist.

3. If I am really a Orientalist or racist, the administrator already kick me out.

4. On the other, she is trapped within an Orientalist discourse she cannot escape.

5. David Hwang subverts Orientalist in the Western cultures through the artistic image of Gallimard.

6. As they allow the Chinese mothers to speak, they, however, unconsciously reveal an Orientalist construction of mothers.

7. Meanwhile, his writing on the Great Cultural Revolution further strengthens the Orientalist consciousness of the Western readers.

8. In a sense, a Chinese-American writer such as Tan is simultaneously empowered and caught by the Orientalist discourse.

9. In acknowledging this "astonishing event of human history" this French Orientalist , was in fact acknowledging the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.

10. But the resulting designs are a mixture of 19th century European architecture – like the Coted'Azure – and hyper postmodern buildings with orientalist detailing.

11. Mr. Robert Hans van Gulik, born in Zutphen, the Netherlands in 19 was a highly educated sinologist, orientalist, writer and career diplomat.

12. 11 Mr. Robert Hans van Gulik, born in Zutphen, the Netherlands in 19 was a highly educated sinologist, orientalist, writer and career diplomat.

13. The thesis aims to, through the examination of The Last Samurai and Lost in Translation in aspect of different representations, reveal the long-lasting Orientalist complex.

14. Countering the Islamophobia Industry 7 Countering Islamophobia in the Media: Community Media Practices and Oppositional Politics Orientalist representations of Islam and Muslims have permeated the media and pop culture

15. Le Corsaire is essentially the story of female slaves being bought, sold and kidnapped for a randy pasha’s Ottoman harem, painted in the cliches of orientalist exotica – sparkling jewels, bra

16. So all of these questions are then posed by Said's sense of the relationship between truth and value in the history of Orientalist scholarship Now where is he coming from?

17. Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (27 July 1857 – 23 November 1934) was an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist who worked for the British Museum and published numerous works on the ancient Near East

18. As one of the three legal documents in ancient Mongolia, Mongolian Wei-la-te Code is named by Russian Orientalist H. R. HHbyhhy as "the mirror of 17th century Mongolian society".

19. ADVERTISEMENTS: There arose violent controversies between the Orientalists and Anglicizes regarding the objects of the educational policy, the medium of instruction, the agencies for organizing educational institutions and the methods to be adopted to spread education among the people

20. This is also what your dissertation supervisor will confirm as he steers you to more important research questions such as the orientalist discourse in car advertisements, or the role the west played in the Arab revolutions.

21. This Copulative methodology allows the cultural history of British religious and political nonconformity to emerge in vibrant readings of Barbauld's devotional writings, Godwin's memoirs of Wollstonecraft, Coleridge's conversation poems, and Thalaba, Southey's Orientalist epic.

22. ‘The article expresses a horror at the 'Barbarity' of the 'unmeaning mummeries, dishonest debt, profuse waste, and bad example in an utter oblivion of responsibility'.’ ‘According to Wong, the aestheticization of Chinese history makes it palatable, along with reinforcing the Orientalist binary opposition between eastern Barbarity and

23. The Nabobs sail home to England with their plunder (""profits of twenty five percent were regarded as a sign of the moderate man""); the Orientalists fight for Indians to be educated in their own languages (a worthwhile reminder, after Edward Said)--and lose out to the Anglicizers, Macaulay adjudicating.